Ms office 32 bit
Ms office 32 bit

This process requires Admin-level credentials, and should be attempted only when the end-user is physically in the office, as it's a 2-step process (Uninstall, and then a restart before reinstallation), and if SCCM connection is lost before the 32-bit install is complete, the end user will be without any Office products, which will end their business productivity until the application is reinstalled.

ms office 32 bit

MS Office is now a package install, where it used to have multiple installs for Outlook, Excel, Etc the entire MS Office package must be completely uninstalled to replace it, which requires a proprietary Microsoft Application called Microsoft Support And Recovery Assistant, commonly referred to as SARA. Hyland will also utilize 32-Bit Office protocols as well, so this fix will be pervasive over the upcoming migration from Acro to Hyland. After much troubleshooting, the problem seems to come from 64-bit Office installations conflicting with Acrosoft's 32-Bit MAPI interface. We have recently solved the issue of MAPI errors coming up for Acro Docs/WM users when attempting to send a file via email from within Acrosoft products. How to Uninstall 64-Bit Office/Reinstall 32-Bit Office on Windows 10 (Acro/Hyland Mail/MAPI issue)

Ms office 32 bit